


Plan your career early

Better early than late, so plan your career early

The Year of the Rat is around the corner. This is the time for planning. This time, I will not ask you to make a plan for the new year, but to look further into the future – plan your career.

Despite your priority is studying, it is never too early to plan your career. In fact, thinking about your future career

choices early will help you make better decisions in your studies, like the subjects to focus on.

Career expert D.E. Super’s model put a person’s career into four stages:

Exploration(探索), establishment(建立) , maintenance(维持) and disengagement(衰退) . The first stage starts at the age of 15.

There are many ways to plan your career. Personality test(性格测评) is a common tool since understanding yourself helps you make better career choices. However, don’t forget your values about work(职业价值观) are also important. Let’s do some planning!

STEP1 Dreaming

WRITE down your dream profession:

STEP2 Values about work(职业价值观)

MANY people do not match wishes with reality. In other words, they do not understand the true nature of what they desire.

Such mismatch(错配) happens because people do not know what they want, or have illusions(幻觉) about what their chosen profession really is. What are your values about work? If I give you $1 million, how much are you willing to pay respectively to have these qualities in your future profession?

美国高中生职业规划表格下载:职业规划表格 生涯设计公益网(www.16175.com)

Values about work:                                                      I will pay $ for…

1.      Good income

2.      Satisfaction of being able to help others

3.      Can provide for a secured and stable life

4.      Interesting, not monotonous(枯燥单调)

5.      Having the chance to manage others

6.      Allow for independent thinking and self-growth

What is the highest ($_____ ) and the lowest ( $______ ) amounts you are paying for the values of work. Let’s take a look at the meaning behind those values:

1. Monetary reward: You want to earn more money to buy what you want.

2. Altruism(利他主义): You want to serve others through your job.

3. Sense of security(安全感): You want a stable job that provides you with security even when the economic times are bad.

4. Changes and challenges(挑战): You want an interesting job that lets you meet a lot of different people and experience

different thing.

5. Leadership(领导才能) and power: You want a job that gives you the chance to make decisions and manage others.

6. Intellectually inspiring: You want a job that gives you room to think independently and

exercise your intellectual abilities(智能).

Make a list of professions that are related to these work values. Then go back to Step 1 to write down the profession you

want. Does the nature of this profession match your own values about work? If not, think again and find the profession that suits you best.

STEP 3 Know the professions

YOU should also spend some time finding more information about your chosen profession.

Method 1: Research

OPEN a new “folder” on your computer, name it “Career” to store information you have gathered. You may look up websites of various professional bodies. Newspapers and periodicals(期刊) are also good sources. Using the information you have collected, you can create profiles(剪报) for different professions:


Major employers in that profession:

Nature of work:


Qualifications required:

Promotion system(晋升制度):

Working hours per week:

Rest days per month:


About $ Prospects of the profession(职业前景):

Do I like this profession? (Which aspect of it is different from my expectation?):

Method 2: Interviews(生涯人物访谈)

TALK to people who are in your desired profession. You can do this by attending career seminars(职业讲座) or through

introduction by friends or relatives.

You can ask them:

Why they chose the profession?

What preparation did they make academically(学业上)?

How the profession changed them?

How does the profession relate to their ability, interest and personality?

STEP 4 Decision

AFTER deciding on your profession, you must do something to achieve your goal. Use the following table to start planning. You

can fill in the “yourself” column according to what you want first, then talk to your parents and teachers and record their opinions in the table.

After taking into account their views, you may want to revise your decision and put it in the “Final Decision” column.

To become a _____________, I must:               

1.      Choice of subjects/university major

Yourself        parents         Teachers             Final decision

2.      Extra-curricular(课堂外的) studies

Yourself        parents         Teachers             Final decision

3.      Academic level required (degree or IVE)

Yourself        parents         Teachers             Final decision

4.      Others

Yourself        parents         Teachers             Final decision



STEP 5 Implementation(实践)

AFTER finding out your desired profession, you have to take steps to reach your goal. This takes time, determination(决心) and self-discipline(自律).

For example, if you want to be a doctor, you need to study medicine in university. The admittance requirements for medical faculties(医学系) are high and they accept only top students. Excellence in certain subjects, such as biology and English, is also a must. So you must polish up on those subjects.

美国高中生职业规划表格下载:职业规划表格 生涯设计公益网(www.16175.com)

Set some goals:

1. (e.g. To improve English writing, I have to learn five new words a day…)

2. (e.g. To get to know more about medical services in Hong Kong, I must read a book about this every month)

Then, think about other things you need to do:

1. Time management(时间管理)

2. Study efficiency(学习效率)

3. Examination skills(考试技巧)

A. Review your time management

YOU can start to manage your time more effectively by looking at how you are spending your time now:

1. How you spend the average day:

Activity                Duration (hour)               Percentage*

1. Sleeping                       8                                33.3%

2. In school

3. Watch TV

4. Meals

5. Online

6. Homework

* Calculating percentage: Duration of an activity in hours / 24 x 100%

e.g. The percentage of sleeping hours in your day is: 8 / 24 x 100% = 33.3%

2. Draw a Pie Chart with the data.

3. Now you can see clearly how you spend your days.

4. Answer the following questions:

a. Are you happy with your time allocation(时间分配)? Why?

b. Which kinds of activity are taking up the bigger shares of your day? Is the amount of time spent on those activities


c. Is there any activity (or activities) on which you should spend more time?

d. Is there any activity (or activities) on which you should spend less time?

e. Are they any new activity (activities) that you would like to put in your chart?

f. How much time do you plan to spend on those new activities?

B. Family career tree

DRAWING up a Family Career Tree(家族职业树) and think about the influence your family members is having on your career


1. Draw a chart of all the members of your family and write down the career of each adult person.


2. Answer the following questions:

a. What is the most common profession among your family members?

b. Do you want to follow in their footsteps? Why?

c. How do your mother and father feel about their respective professions?

d. Would their views affect your future career choice?

e. Is there a member of your family whose profession is the envy(羡慕) of others?

For example, some may say that being a lawyer is good because lawyers make a lot of money and are respected socially.

f. Did your father and mother talked about various professions? Did they express their feelings about those professions?

g. Do you agree with their views? Would you choose professions they do not like, or do you have your own views?

h. What is your family’s expectation about your future career? Is that expectation in line with your own abilities, interest and personality? If not, how do you tell them what you feel so that you may come to a decision agreeable to(可接受) you and your family?




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